Monday, October 3, 2011

Dragon Tail for Girls

I made an awesome dragon tail for my 2 year old friend L. She is pretty rad and likes to "RAWR"! I found the tutorial here, and changed the pointed spikes into curved spikes by substituting ric-rac down the center. She likes wearing her tail. Although, next time, I will probably make the straps a little bit longer. I made the straps exactly as the tutorial said, but I think it must have been for a smaller child. Either that, or I sewed them really far into the tail body.  Her straps aren't going to last very long as she grows. The tutorial used polyester lining, but I just used some awesome cotton blend. I liked the fabric because it was girly, but not pink.
 Last week I was hanging out with my friend, L, and we were looking at animal pictures. I was asking her which animals had tails. The conversation when like this:
Me: Does a dog have a tail?
L: Yes!
Me: Does a shark have a tail?
L: Yes!
Me: Does a lion have a tail?
L: Yes!
Me: Do you have a tail?
L: Yes! (runs to the other room and brings back her stuffed tail)

Hopefully her parent's won't be too mad at me for messing up her human anatomy understanding. L's mom asked me to make her a hoodie with spikes to match so she can wear it to their Fall Festival this year. Check back in for a tutorial on how to make the spiky hoodie in a few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And I totally love that whenever we ask about a tail she says "I have a tail" and runs off to find it. Thanks, friend.
